x AGE 256
x RELATIONSHIPS Kyushi (brother; dead)


A young girl often sweet. She enjoys the company of animals and really didn't seem to take to meeting new people. She doesn't like to risk heartache but would do anything for those she does love or care for.
Her sweet nature was turned though. She lost someone close to her. Her once isolation became much worst as she soon forgot what to do most days. She switched often between being a girl and boy as she seeks venegence for her brother and those like him. Those that didn't deserve their fate. She longs for the old days. The dragons need to die. She loaths them for what happened to her brother and hybrids most of all. One of them stole her brother and in such a cruel way too. This is why she pretends to be her brother at times. The Order has no idea one of them is dead. She never lived with them but only visited, however now she does as her brother.
Asuna enjoys the idea of vengence and it has made her take on a harder persona then the girl she use to be. Her animal friends became her slave to her power as she sought the one thing to give her heart peace.


Asuna is a around six foot even with white hair with black ends. Her eyes are almost a light lionlike green that seem to glow against her dark skin. Often she puts black paint on her face in arms in tribal like marks to show her attunement to nature. In her hair she wears a skull of a sabertooth as a pin. Her clothes are often either fine royality in appearance or skins sepending on what she's doing or where she's going. She often is seen sporting a bone necklace around her neck. The bones are teeth from living creatures that she has taken.

Often she will try to appear more male for certain things this is when she takes the pin from her hair, which can change size being enchanged and place it over her face. There is no jaw bone so it is onl the frontal part of the skull and it stays there without needing any support like a string. When in this form her clothes are definately more masciline with less jewels, but the necklace of bone is worn in both attires.


The girl could at a young age call creatures to her. This was a willingly response on their part. They could come or not, but when she got older she learned a way to take one to control many. It was an ancient art of the females in her family. It was passed to her by her mom. It required a bone of the species or tooth of the species. She choosed to used the tooth. She would have to spell the tooth twenty-four hours after acquiring it. The tooth had small carvings on them to bind them to her. From that one tooth she can summon a species to help her. The amount depends on the type of species, and how big they are. Often she tends to only use animals that do not have the ability to think past instinct.
Her other power is of wind. She doesn't use it for offensive, but instead uses it for defense. She can make a barrier to block attacks or to lessen the strength of it. She tends to not use this as much but instead goes for the offensive side of the fight.


Character Design by Savvie.
Coding by Savvie.
Art by Kirra