
The Revenant

I've already died





Name: Kerberos
Nicknames: Ker, War demon, Hellspawn, Sunchild
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Dragon
Relations: TBA




Solider. He is a solider. It is the only thing he's ever known. He doesn't know how not to be a solider. He will give his lie for his country and that is just what he did.

Loyal. He is loyal. He never stopped being loyal even if it caused him great emotional pain and made him want to run. He never ran. He was loyal and did what he was ordered to do. Even when he knew it would cost him the ultimate price.

Blood-thirsty. Ker is blood thirsty and loves a good fight. He had those all his life and it is how he shows pain, anger and how he vents all his emotions.




Kerberos was a large old beast at seventeen feet at the shoulder, covered primarily by blood-red scales with his underbelly and legs protected by black, chitinous plating. His back and tail were festooned with deadly spikes and glowing crimson markings, with an almost bladed tail-tip; his head was a war machine, containing a mouth filled with oversharpened teeth and framed by four protruding, ridged horns, red eyes glaring out from the black sclera. The tip of each toe contained a wickedly-curved talon, more than capable of turning an unsuspecting mortal to ribbons. Has energy like wings where his old wings use to be before his death.

Ker's human form is a dark tall 6'7" man with blood red hair. His hair has a seemingly dark sheen as if the blood was soaked permantely into his hair. it goes to about his hips in length and he is very broad shouldered with narrow hips. His eyes are silver and slitted.




Fire. Like most dragons ge can breath fire. He is actually really adapt at fire and being what he terms a solar dragon, he can breath fire for a long time plus control the heat of his fame.

Light. He has some use of light magic, but it isn't as strong as his fire, but has grown over the time.

Gravity magic. The ability to alter the gravity in the area around him. Unlike his family, he doesn't control points of an area, but does area affects. His magic is meant to be anit-army with how he tries to affect multiple people in a battle and not just a one.

Melee fighting. Despite being a dragon he is very good at fighting in human form with multiply weapons. He spent most of his life fighting and if not fighting, sleeping and training. He made sure he lacked nothing in the art of war making it both his master, and his speciality.




Vestibulum mollis mi non arcu condimentum id varius ligula ullamcorper. Ut vitae metus ut neque egestas dignissim non id ante. Nam quis suscipit ipsum. Nulla sed arcu augue. Quisque commodo sollicitudin malesuada. Vivamus non nibh a libero lacinia condimentum. Curabitur adipiscing, ligula a tempus ultrices, felis ipsum sagittis arcu, at mattis odio dolor eu ipsum. Donec vel ante felis. Sed ultrices, tortor a dictum bibendum, tortor ipsum viverra mi, non tristique leo risus sed leo. Proin porttitor ultrices mauris in tristique. Phasellus consectetur scelerisque purus id ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean elit nunc, scelerisque ut vehicula at, vehicula in velit. Nulla facilisi. Donec tincidunt tristique sollicitudin. Nunc tincidunt ipsum in leo imperdiet ut elementum justo viverra. Ut vestibulum tellus a ligula ultricies at eleifend ligula gravida. Etiam elementum gravida elementum. In massa ipsum, feugiat vitae facilisis et, porta eget nibh. Proin convallis malesuada commodo. Phasellus risus nulla, volutpat eget volutpat quis, laoreet vitae odio. Vivamus in mauris enim. Curabitur sed ante nunc, sit amet posuere est. Donec imperdiet dolor at velit egestas quis molestie nunc placerat. Ut sem nulla, ornare sed volutpat nec, aliquet ut purus. Aliquam fermentum libero semper metus ullamcorper posuere. Praesent ut imperdiet tortor. Nunc ut magna nec sem fermentum ultrices. Curabitur posuere tincidunt ante a fringilla. Pellentesque non augue et purus auctor ullamcorper nec in velit. Aliquam in metus enim. Vivamus sollicitudin congue nulla. Nunc blandit iaculis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Ut vestibulum faucibus odio, ut mollis ligula commodo vel.

Vestibulum mollis mi non arcu condimentum id varius ligula ullamcorper. Ut vitae metus ut neque egestas dignissim non id ante. Nam quis suscipit ipsum. Nulla sed arcu augue. Quisque commodo sollicitudin malesuada. Vivamus non nibh a libero lacinia condimentum. Curabitur adipiscing, ligula a tempus ultrices, felis ipsum sagittis arcu, at mattis odio dolor eu ipsum. Donec vel ante felis. Sed ultrices, tortor a dictum bibendum, tortor ipsum viverra mi, non tristique leo risus sed leo.

Proin porttitor ultrices mauris in tristique. Phasellus consectetur scelerisque purus id ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean elit nunc, scelerisque ut vehicula at, vehicula in velit. Nulla facilisi. Donec tincidunt tristique sollicitudin. Nunc tincidunt ipsum in leo imperdiet ut elementum justo viverra. Ut vestibulum tellus a ligula ultricies at eleifend ligula gravida. Etiam elementum gravida elementum. In massa ipsum, feugiat vitae facilisis et, porta eget nibh. Proin convallis malesuada commodo. Phasellus risus nulla, volutpat eget volutpat quis, laoreet vitae odio. Vivamus in mauris enim.