the forgotten

The Basics

Name: Unknown, but called Razor
Nicknames: Demon King of Death, Razzie, Raz. (Last two are only if he likes you)
Gender: Male
Species: Death Demon, royal-blood
Age: Unknown
Relationships: Kora (former love); Athalia (love-interest?); Morion (son); Oblivion (son); Naiome (Niece);


he demon is far from lacking in build. He is easily easily mistaken for someone who works out even if the look is natural for him, but perhaps natural isn't the word. He hunts just about ever meal he eats, but he isn't so built to the point that he is inflexible as some become. Instead he is a decent size type of guy that looks like he's still in his glory days despite the reality of his true age. His amber eyes can appear like molten liquid when in a pleasant mood or hard frozen amber if angry. His eyes seem to hold just as much emotion as his face making him like an open book. One could argue that this is a bad thing, but then they don't know Razor.

His skin color is darker than an average tan color and seems to hint to almost an exotic tone. His hair is black and brushes his shoulders and even though it is naturally flat, it appears to have a lot of body because of how thick it is. The demon's chest and neck has scars on them that vary in length and size, but each one is something he chose to have. Each scar is a few shades lighter than his skin tone and mostly they appear on his chest and arms. The ones on his neck are few and far between and his hair hides most of those.

Razor normally wears things of only the colors of red and grey that vary in shade color. It is very abnormal to see him in a color other than those two as they colors of his kingdom. His clothes are similar to that of an assassin's and he uses that to walk with little to no sound helping to give him an appearance of gliding over the ground when walking. The demon also appears more human than elf, but it is his razor sharp teeth is a clear give away that he is not actually a human.


azor despite all that has happened to him is protective and loyal to those he cares for. Although, that is a problem considering all his contacts disappeared from his radar after centuries of life. It has led him to be slightly distrusting on some regards because none of them tried to bring him back and even if they did-they didn't try hard enough. The death demon has fallen darker because of time, and now he has found himself as a lord, but he had no idea of the world around him wants. The fortress he once loved and cherished is now a dark place of the unknown. So much has changed since he last saw the world, but some of it is familiar enough to make him feel as if he is still locked away.
"You cannot fix what isn't broken"
The death demon has no idea if he can even trust his family, but what choice does he have? They are all he has in this world that is changing around him and the guards that were once his favorite companions now seem as if they too have a sinister edge to them that he had not noticed before. Everything feels strange to him and he has no idea where to turn to. He had always been a man of his word and to this day he remains as such, but he doubts if he can give his word to anyone anymore. Times have indeed changed, and at the same time, he feels himself often slipping back into time when he sees someone that reminds him of what had been. It is at times like these that he feels the most alone.
"I`m not sure if I can trust you, but I don`t know if it is worth killing you."
Along with his feeling of being lost in the world and as well as being alone, he has stopped using his true name. There is no noted reason as to why, probably because no one really remembers it, but no longer does he go by his birth name. Instead he has taken the alias of 'Razor' which is something he prefers above all and has a temper for those who give him nicknames. Even those who manage to get into his shell quickly notice his dislike for pet names.

His dislike for pet names probably originates with his inability to be around children for long. He was always known for 'losing' children and no one can prove if he did it on purpose or on accident, but he never had much luck with children. Anything that makes him think of a child, often causes him to snarl or shut off from all conversation at that time.
"I thought this was the final battle, but it appears the war has just begun."
At heart the guy is a war veteran and there is no doubt about that. He has a strong healing gene, but before his appointment to Lord he learned how to keep himself from healing as fast. With this knowledge he not only collected weapons he found interesting from those he killed, but he also let some of his victims scar him to forever keep their fury and anger as trophies. Each mark on Razor has a story, but getting that story is often another issue as he likes to keep to himself on such things.

Random Facts

1) Razor never was given a proper name and Savage just couldn't think of one so he ended up just keeping Razor.
2) Originally made just for amusement, he has quickly become a main.
3) His weapons are cutlasses because Razor makes Savage think of a pirate.
4) He is better with magic than blades, but he is great at both. He much prefers the close battle that comes with a blade, so will use those more than magic.
5) Razor is a dual-blade swordsman, but is good at almost any weapon. He has a wide collection of weapon types that he trains with in his free time. Some of those weapons are trophies from those he has slain.


Coding: Savage and Vyrr
Character images by: Vulpes
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